Mount And Blade Warband Viking Conquest Wiki
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Mount & Blade: Warband 1.174 Released (October 4th, 2018) Viking Conquest Reforged Edition 2.044 Released (October 4th, 2018) Napoleonic Wars 1.21 Released (October 4th, 2018). This is a Guide to the Mount & Blade Viking Conquest (VC) mod. I'm assuming that anyone playing VC already has a basic knowledge of Native. Becoming a Vassal: Once you have a stable economic foundation it is time to become a vassal. The goal of being a vassal is to build up right to rule and relationship with lords.

I always start in Edyinbur/Scuin area.1. Four large cities2.
Three groups which are typically at war3. Increase the spawning of enemy raiders and capture North Vikings (which spawn A LOT in the area)4.
Build your upgraded camp in the area on the waterfront and when you get the North Vikings to join you (asking them as prisoners) immediately dump them off in your camp to avoid the high costs and them leaving you5. Buy a farmstead in each of the 4-5 large cities in the area to keep up with money6. Once you get around 200+ North Vikings you start head hunting generals (pick a single faction to fight at a time) and then take out their large city.7. Waiting until a faction takes over one of the large cities of their enemy is a great time to start your war- as soon as they take over the city declare war on them and fight all of their generals that were camped outside the city and which are now going back home- they should be weak and easy pray. Then take out their newly captured city which should have next to no one inside. Not that I got that far in VC, but based on Warband and the AI not being any different, I would say that the perfect place to start a kingdom is any place that has the minimum amount of directions that enemies can come from, and ideally the most towns in close proximity. So that you can maximize your profits/income and thus increase your army sizes.That said, I like the prospect of going for Friese, Northvergr and Danmark first as it is decently secluded.
Don't let the ocean fool you into a false sense of security, though, as enemies can take boats and sail over to your lands to attack you.Then perhaps Ireland? Then move on to Britain?The biggest issue is the rediculous design decision for the 'to curb your power' casus belli.
Mount And Blade Warband Viking Conquest Wiki
(Along with the tax inefficiency thing.) It is a, imho, weak gamey solution to 'balance' your kingdom's growth. Honestly, if you're able to grow your kingdom big, especially in a short time, it is the enemy AI that is lacking in doing the same.We should be freely able to conquer more and more. That's a lovely end goal.:). Originally posted by:You can't start a kingdom in story mode until you finish the storyline and continue on.oh. Im still working on the part of improving my relations with Danish jarls. Something that is taking forever since i get so few quests from them.Anyone know how many i need to be positive towards me so that i wont get blood eagled?

I had the same issue, I'm slightly beyond that point atm.Here's a tip; go to Riben's mead hall, talk to the host. You can send a gift to the Jarl you want to improve relations with, 6 points at a time. It takes a varying amount of time for the courier to get there and then back to you to report, the distance from the town to the person you're sending to also determines the price and delivery time.If you don't mind savescumming, save beforehand as the delivery might fail.You need neutral relations with the majority, I believe.If you want a better result, you need to get relations above 30 with them. Originally posted by:You can't start a kingdom in story mode until you finish the storyline and continue on.oh. Im still working on the part of improving my relations with Danish jarls.
Mount And Blade War Band Wiki

Something that is taking forever since i get so few quests from them.Anyone know how many i need to be positive towards me so that i wont get blood eagled?I think i had like 3 jarls with relation over 30 and it went good. The rest was like 10 or 16, not including Sigurd because he was ♥♥♥♥♥y about all this 'Im gonna kill your nearest man and probably you' stuff.