Why Did The Civil Wars Break Up Reddit
The North had huge advantages in troops and equipment. Thegenerals threw both of these, in huge quantities, at the South. Itwas not uncommon for the North to lose 3-4 times as many soldiersin a battle as the South lost, but still be able to claim victory.The goal was to wear down the South by shear force of numbers.Nevertheless, some historians argue that, despite theoverwhelming advantages enjoyed by the North, the outcome of thewar hinged on one critical battle - Gettysburg. If the South hadwon that battle, they claim, they would have won the war. And thatbattle itself was a very near thing. General Robert E.
Why Did The Civil Wars Split

Why Did The Civil War Start
Lee, perhapsthe best military commander of all time, made an extremely raremistake during that battle, a mistake called 'Pickett's Charge'.Historians agree that if that mistake had not been made, the Southwould have won Gettysburg, and, according to many, the entire war.So, in short, the ONE reason the union won the 'War of NorthernAgression' (as we southerners prefer to call it), is Pickett'sCharge.
Causes of the American Civil War. The secession of South Carolina pushed other southern states into doing the same. With such a background of distrust between most southern states and the government in Washington, it only needed one incident to set off a civil war and that occurred at Fort Sumter in April 1861.